This handbook is intended as a reference manual for teams within The Center for Data-Driven Discovery in Biomedicine (D3b) and others who wish to understand how we operate or to contribute to one of the many initiatives that D3b is responsible for. Things you will find in the handbook:
- Technical teams, their values, organization, and responsibilies
- Technical projects and product descriptions, goals and references
- Processes for development and organization
- Technical Standards and best practices
D3b undertakes many projects to work towards its mission. Technical teams work fully or in part on completing these projects.
An Overview of ProjectsProducts
Technical teams work to create products to assist in achieving requirements of D3b projects. Often, these products are combined and said to create platforms.
An Overview of ProductsTechnical Units
Technical Units
The Center is divided into several units, some of which have technical aspects. Read more about each unit and its responsibilities and organization:
Development Practices
Development Practices
Best practices adhered to by technical teams in The Center: